Posts Tagged ‘Pokemon’


I seriously question the idea of wearing something ironically. The world is build on first impressions and when people see you wearing s shirt they assume that whatever the shirt has on it is a cause you believe in. This means that wearing a shirt as some kind of joke is a very bad practice. This is when our story today takes us to a very specific and familiar address.

A man wearing a shirt with Pikachu on it did something reckless. Now considering the rising college crowd that enjoys Pokémon that is not that odd an occurrence. Until you realize that the reckless activity was jumping the White House Fence. He was immediately detained by the secret service but no details have been released about why he deiced to do such a foolish action.

So a guy with a Pokémon shirt jumped the fence of the White House. Considering how much this blow frowns on disruptive behavior, I can say flat out that this is a big no-no. Whether or not the person was wearing the shirt as some kind of joke is beside the point. The masses who see the story will think that fans of Pokémon are crazed individuals who will try to trespass at the White House. The fact that Pokémon fans are crazed individuals is far from the truth. The Pokémon community is filled with kind and carrying people who don’t deserve to be compared to somebody that would try to run to the White House for some crazed reason. I can only hope that more information is released and the criminal was on some drug laced hallucination. Sadly that would only result in the Pokémon community labeled as a bunch of drug users.

Link: Anime News Network