Posts Tagged ‘Samurai Sword’


A New Year means new possibilities and opportunities for all of us in the geek community to try and better ourselves. Unfortunately the first week is over and already I’m finding that some problems are never going to go away. That’s right, one week in and already we have a Fun with Weapons story where a person used a sword on a police. Happy New Year people.

Robert Burns was playing his music a little louder than his neighbors would have cared for so the police were called. Instead of calmly answering the door and seeing what the officers wanted, Burns instead grabbed a katana and insisted that the officers provide proper identification. The police were successful in getting him to set the sword down but when he didn’t surrender and instead made a move to try and reclaim his weapon, police had no choice but to taser him into submission. Burns is now in custody with a plethora of different charges weighed against him.

So what have we learned here people? We learned what everyone should already know. We don’t answer the door with a katana especially on law enforcement personnel. As we have already established most Police officers are just trying to keep the peace and ensure that no harm comes to the general population especially by madmen who are willing to wave swords around when they are asked to turn to down their music. Despite my pleas that the geek community strive to achieve some type of growth this is one matter that I know I have no choice but to accept. There always is going to be some unstable individual with a decorative weapon in their house who is going to make a very poor choice of trying to use said instrument in a very improper way. We have no choice but to have to explain to the Mundane population that just because we do have display swords of our very own this doesn’t mean that we will be trying to use them to hurt others in the near future. We have to set a better example but no flipping out on everybody. You wouldn’t think that would be that hard of a request but after years of doing this blog I know I’m asking the impossible. Still, if you could please don’t go crazy anytime soon. Okay?

Link: AZcentral